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Dr. Tan received the ABioM 2023 Junior Investigator Research Award

2023 BMES Advanced Biomanufacturing (ABioM) Meeting was held at the College Park Marriott Hotel Conference Center in Hyattsville, MD, on March 22 - 24, 2023. Dr. Tan received the Junior Investigator Award, which recognizes the rising stars in the field.

The 2023 conference has a distinct focus: "Advancing Advanced Biomanufacturing from Discovery to Implementation." This event will not only commemorate the achievements in this field but also foster collaboration, encourage research and development, and support educational programs in advanced biomanufacturing by recognizing existing gaps and challenges.

Over the past few years, the field has witnessed significant breakthroughs, including 3D bioprinting, biomaterial genomics, machine learning, organoid development, and fabrication techniques. The rapid expansion of biomanufacturing industries and educational initiatives presents fresh opportunities to propel research, education, industry growth, and innovation.



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